Welcome to the Omegametrix® Lab Portal

Simply register your test here online and log all of your relevant patient details with the Omegametrix® lab. By registering online, you no longer need to complete and send off the contact card.

To register your test:

  1. Enter your data and serial number:
    Enter your personal details along with the 6-digit serial number printed on your dried blood spot card.
  2. Receive your registration code:
    After submitting your details, you will be assigned a 4-digit registration code. Write this code in the field “Name” on your dried blood spot card.
  3. Receive your confirmation email:
    An email with your registration code and a verification link will be sent to the email address you provided.
  4. Verify your email address:
    Click on the verification link to complete your registration. This ensures that the email address provided is correct and valid.

Your test results will be available within 48 hours of the sample arriving at our lab. Use your email address to log in to the Omegametrix® Lab Portal where you can view and download your results.